Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thankful for...

November... quite possibly one of my favorite months of the year. Why? A few reasons..
The leaves are breathtakingly beautiful, it's a month of giving thanks, and well, maybe because it's my birthday. Today however, I am truly grateful. It being Veteran's Day, I am thankful for the men and women that selflessly put their lives in jeopardy to protect mine, yours, our loved ones, our friends, you get it right? I mean do you TRULY get it?? What they do is heroism at it's finest, highest quality. For that, I am truly grateful. Thank.You. I want to specifically thank my Step Father Danny and give thanks to both of my grandfathers who are no longer with me (love you guys).

I am thankful for the life that I was given. I am happy, healthy, I have a great job, a terrific education, a boyfriend that knows nothing but kindness, a mother who is easily that strongest most amazing person I have ever met, a father who loves me dearly, and an endless support structure of friends and family. I don't have to worry about where my next meal is coming from, the bills always get paid, and if my man and I want to go out to dinner, we can. If that sounds like a normal, everyday life for you, remember this... it's not for others. There are folks out there who are a lot less fortunate. They worry day-to-day about where that next meal is coming from. They don't even have the luxury of worrying about the bills, because they aren't fortunate enough to have any. Sounds messed up right? They aren't fortunate enough to have bills. Well it's true. Having bills means you have material. Whether it's a car, house, electricity to light your house, oil/gas to heat your house... face it people, that's lucky. I think people (myself certainly included) take these things for granted.

When you think life isn't fair or you are angry because things aren't going your way, remember.. there are some who have is so much worse. Be proud of who you are, where you are in life, the abilities God has blessed you with, the achievements you have made, and "oh, the places you will go"

..... today I am thankful to be alive!

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